Monday, March 31, 2008

Cecelia-- sweet sweet sweet!

I mean, look at this face!!!!!!!

My sister Kara (yaya) was babysitting for Brian and me and cece fell asleep in her high chair like this! Kara thought she was just playing hide and seek and then she never poked her head back out!

I never really had to "baby proof" for either of the boys but with Cecelia, SHE GETS INTO EVERYTHING!!! I don't know how many times I put away the tupperware a day!

She is quite the little helper! If we are about to leave she has to put away whatever she is playing with. She may get everything out but she does try to put things away! She is getting a little too heavy to stand on the door anymore but she tries and when I pull her off, she crumbles to the floor in a heap and cries!

She may be mommies little girl but she LOVES LOVES LOVES HER YAYA. I think it may rival Roberts relationship with yaya. She will bring me the phone multiple times a day saying "yaya" so I will call her. She may look sweet in these pictures but she is perfecting the art of little girl tantrums! She has no problem saying "No" to me. It is hard not to laugh sometimes because this little tiny thing waving her finger at me saying "no" with her perfect heart shapes lips. I am trying to wean her off the "binky". I am bound and determined to get her off by the time she is 2!!! Robert was off his by 15 months and Shane never took one. I bought Cecelia her first My Little Pony for Easter. She is very maternal and carries around her babydolls everywhere!!! Sometimes 2 at a time. I can't wait to see her grow. I loooooove to dress her in little girl clothes. She also loves loves her daddy. Brian says the best thing in the day is when he pulls up and he hears her scream dada from inside. She is becoming more fun every day.


Dzmura Family said...

She is sooooo dang cute. Welcome back to the blog world...keep it up, I love seeing the kids, they're growing up so fast!! Miss ya.

Emily said...

So glad you're back! Your kids are growing like weeds and you all look great!