Thursday, April 17, 2008

Oh Robbie Robbie Robbie!

Robert is so beyond his 5 short years!! It never ceases to amaze me what comes out of his mouth! He has had some real gems the past few days. On Monday night we were having Family Home Evening on nature (we went on a nature walk) and we were reading Genesis 1. I was explaining to the boys how the Lord made everything we see on the earth. Robert very seriously looks at Shane and says "Kind of like when we planted our corn and flowers in those pots. The Lord just used the earth as his pot"! I mean, come on......he's wise and what a great way to explain it to his brother.

Yesterday I would have lost it on my children if Robert did not give me some comic relief. I kept him home from school because he was not feeling well but I needed to go to the grocery store because I was having the Elders over for dinner. Shane started throwing a fit because he wanted the red gatorade and there was only one left and Robert had already picked that one. Robert did the big brother thing and gave it to Shane (I think just to shut him up). As we walked away to another isle Robert takes my hand and says "Mom, what are we supposed to do about Shane? I think he may need a time out." Ok, Robbie is the king of temper tantrums!! We have finally had a break through with them because he had to sign a contract saying that if he lost his temper, threw a tantrum, or anything of the sort he would be in his room THE REST OF THE DAY!! No matter if it was 8am or 8pm. It took 3 days of him in his room and I must say it has made a difference. When we returned from the store I asked the boys to clean up the living room and put their toys away so I could vacuum. Shane was not helping and Robert was getting frustrated. I hear him saying to Shane "We are a family, we help each other. I am the only brother you have, you need to help me." I guess I say that too much. I remind the boys many times as they are wrestling or fighting that they are the only brothers they have and they need to be nice. I also say "When you guys get hurt don't come crying to me!!" Such a loving mom. The last one was last night as I was sitting on the couch after the missionaries left. Robert could tell I was tired and he crawls up on the couch and takes my hand and kisses me on the cheek and says very lovingly "Mom, you have had a hard day. You should go to bed." SO WISE!!!
Robbie really can think like an adult. I am interested to see how this serves him in school and in his social life. I will keep you posted! :)


YaYa said...

That's exactly why he's the keeper of my heart.

Kim said...

He's such a handsome little boy. I can't believe how much he's grown since I last saw him. Tooooo cute!!